Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh said on Friday that the state government would soon buy anti-viral drugs, ramadasivir and tocilizumab, and make it available to the needy. Along with this, Deshmukh has also said that strict action should be taken against those who are black marketing the drugs used in the treatment of Kovid-19 patients.
Deshmukh said after the meeting that there is a huge demand for these drugs in Maharashtra and outside. Due to which the state government is going to buy Remedisivir and Tosilizumab on a large scale. Giving information, he said that the state government has also started the process of purchasing them to ensure that these medicines are available to the needy people throughout the state. Apart from this, the police department and Food and Drug Administration will jointly take strong action on the incidents of black marketing of medicines.
Let us tell you that after the arrival of 1,354 new cases of corona virus infection in Mumbai (Mumbai), the total number of infected people has exceeded 90 thousand. According to BMC, now the number of corona virus infected in the city has reached 90,149. Apart from this, the number of dead has reached 5,202 after the death of 73 more patients. The BMC also said in its statement on Friday that out of the 73 cases of deaths, 54 patients had other serious illnesses.
However, the news of relief was that 2,183 patients were discharged on Friday, with which the number of cured patients has increased to 61,934. The rate of recovery of patients in the city is 68 percent. In Mumbai, 22,738 people are still suffering from Kovid-19. Apart from this, 905 new suspected patients have been admitted to the city hospitals.