Everyone has been shocked by the news of actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s suicide. For the past several days, his fans have been demanding justice for him on social media. He did not break away from the heart of his fans for a single moment in these days. In such a situation, since the release date of Sushant Singh Rajput’s last film ‘Dil Bechara’, people have been continuously posting about this film on social media.
Let me tell you, Sushant is going to be seen in Mukesh Chhabra’s film ‘Dil Bechara’ from Film Casting Director to Film Director. In this, his Opposite Sanjana Sanghi has been cast. Which will be released on 24th of next month. The film will be released on the OTT platform and no subscription will be required to watch the film. This film will be shown for free.
At the same time, now the trailer of the film is going to be released on Monday (July 6). Film critic Taran Adarsh has given this information on his Instagram account. Sharing a new poster of this film, he wrote that Saif Ali Khan will be seen in a special role in the film.
[…] Also Read: The wait is over: the trailer of Sushant’s last film ‘Dil Bechara’ will be release… […]