The trailer of Amitabh Bachchan and Ayushman Khurana’s film ‘Gulabo-Sitabo’ is going to be released soon. The Arya News has got some important information related to the film. The most important thing is that after 30 years of ‘Agneepath’ released in 1990, Amitabh has again experimented with his voice in this film. His changed voice will be heard in this.
And the story of the film is like this
In the film, Amitabh plays Mirza, the owner of a Lucknow mansion. Ayushman Khurana lives as a tenant in his mansion. He has a Tom and Jerry relationship with Mirza. Throughout the film, Mirza confronts Banke in various ways to get his mansion vacated.
Amitabh works out with grandson at age 77
Amitabh Bachchan takes full care of his fitness even after 77 years. They still do daily workouts. On Thursday, he shared a photo while working out in the gym with grandson Agastya Nanda (son of Shweta Nanda). In this, they are seen raising dumbbells. Sharing this, Amitabh wrote, ‘Fight .. Fight the Fit … Fit the Fight .. with Inspiration Grandson.’ This photo of Amitabh is viral.