Namaste friends, My Name is Nitesh Arya, I am a SEO expert and in this article we will gonna talk about things you should do before buying a new domain name. 

Things you should do before Buying New Domain Name

  1. Chose SEO friendly Domain Name
  2. Length and Meaning of Domain (If you are making new brand)
  3. Domain Extension (.com, .org, .net, .in, .edu ?)
  4. Check History of Domain
  5. Domain Offer

1. Chose SEO friendly Domain Name

First thing you have to do that is Keyword Research by doing keyword research you will get information about how many search is happing on search engine like google, bing, yahoo on that particular key words.

2. Length and Meaning of Domain (If you are making new brand)

chose short domain name

3. Domain Extension

chose right kinds of domain extension

4. Check History of Domain

check domain history

5. Domain Offer

Search domain offer

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